
  • "I signed my children up for the Child ID program because it gave me peace of mind that if they were ever to get lost or go missing the I.D. label would identify them right away and I would be notified immediately . I would refer the Child I.D. program to anyone who has children. It is a parent’s greatest fear that their child goes missing or gets lost. It was a very smart decision when my husband and I decided to register our family for this very important program."

    Lisa Cave

  • "This is the best child protection program available. My Mom had me on it, and I have my girls on it...I know that if my daughter goes missing or is taken, the labels could make the difference between getting her back safely or not!"

    Cindy Curlew

  • "Child I.D. has made me feel more comfortable taking my daughter out in high volume areas and crowded places like Wonderland and even camping. Also love the fact that if her bike or any personal items were to be lost or stolen, we would have a much better chance of getting it back because of the labels."

    Ashley Levesque

  • "I was on the Child ID program 20 years ago, and love the program. Raising my son in Toronto I was always concerned he’d get lost or go missing. I believe all parents should use this for their children."

    Leslie Ahee

  • "As parents, we feel having our son on the Child ID program is a gift giving us peace of mind, and helping to protect our son. If anything should happen, the Labels can help to bring him home safe. As a Mom, I know this is the right thing to do for us."

    Jen Mossop

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